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Peter Coleridge discusses issues raised by Brian O'Toole and Geraldine Maison-Halls ([12]Development in Practice 4(1)) outlining the use of community-based rehabilitation (CBR) in providing services to disabled people in low-income countries. The author o ...

Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 17:54

Domestic violence, deportation, and women's resistance: notes on managing inter-sectionality

This Practical note describes the work of the Southall Black Sisters, a group, based in London, England, which provides a variety of assistance to, mainly Asian, women who have been victims of domestic violence and abuse. The author discusses how the UK l ...

Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 17:59

Avanço nos direitos à saúde sexual e reprodutiva da mulher: o uso do Sistema Internacional de Direitos Humanos

Muitas vezes as primeiras barreiras para a melhoria na saúde da mulher têm suas raízes em fatores sócio-econômicos, legais e culturais. As mulheres geralmente ocupam uma posição subordinada em termos de poder econômico, tomadas de decisões e opções em rel ...

Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 18:06

Avaliação crítica de estruturas de planejamento para projetos de desenvolvimento hídrico e de saneamento rural

Processos de planejamentos iniciais ruins têm resultado em alta taxa de insucesso de projetos de desenvolvimento hídrico e de saneamento rural. Este artigo critica 17 estruturas de planejamento existentes para projetos de abastecimento de & ...

Abstract - dwardle - 2011-06-22 16:04

Methodological issues in research on women's health

This article is written from the perspective of a health activist engaged in research on women's health. It lays out a methodological framework for studying issues concerning women's health, and goes on to describe a range of tools for collection of quali ...

Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 17:53

Assisting survivors of war and atrocity: notes on `psycho-social' issues for NGO workers

NGOs are receiving and distributing increasing funding for projects attempting to help traumatised victims of political violence. The author argues that many of these projects are ill conceived, failing to recognise that one aim of modern warfare is the d ...

Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 17:56

Access to graduate education in Bangladesh

There has been growing concern in Bangladesh that access to higher education is restricted to high-income families. Here, the author reports on the early findings of research into the socio-economic backgrounds of students at Bangladesh's major universiti ...

Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 18:02

Pressão de doadores: para um acesso mais justo aos remédios essenciais?

No início de 2007, o governo da Indonésia decidiu retirar suas amostras do vírus da influenza aviária (“gripe aviária”) dos centros que colaboram com a OMS, aguardando um novo mecanismo global para o compartilhamento de vírus que ofereceria melhores termo ...

Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 18:07

Desenvolvendo indicadores para avaliar o empoderamento das mulheres no Vietnã

De meados de 1999 até meados de 2001, os autores realizaram um estudo qualitativo na zona rural do Vietnã para explorar as relações entre eqüidade de gênero e saúde reprodutiva. Um dos objetivos do estudo foi desenvolver indicadores culturalmente adequado ...

Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 18:00

Release of the poor through education in Tamil Nadu, India

Release of the Poor Through Education (ROPE) is a small development organization operating in a rural area of Tamil Nadu, Southern India. ROPE has chosen to focus and concentrate its efforts on upgrading the education, health and quality of life of the 50 ...

Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 17:54