Narrow down by keywords: Aid

Results 11 - 20 of 493


Knowledge, Power and Development Agendas: NGOs North and South

Author:  Mawdsley, Emma; Townsend, Janet; Porter, Gina; and Oakley, Peter Publisher:  ...

Book review - admin - 2009-10-18 20:49

The Myth of Community: Gender Issues in Participatory Development

Author:  Guijt, Irene and Meera Kaul Shah (eds.) Issue:  ...

Book review - admin - 2009-12-10 08:47

Planning and Development with Women: Making a World of Difference

Author:  Young, Kate Issue:  Volume 4, Number 3 ...

Book review - admin - 2009-12-10 09:15

Non-state providers, the state, and health in post-conflict fragile states

Relations between states and non-state providers in fragile states occur within specific complex political and economic contexts. Moreover, donor approaches to specific fragile states shape the flow and priorities of aid resources. In the health sector, ...

Abstract - dwardle - 2010-06-23 16:12

Measuring development results: lessons from Ethiopia

As agências de desenvolvimento enfrentam o desafio de medir e relatar os resultados de suas contribuições para promover o desenvolvimento equitativo e sustentável. Como parte disso, as agências fazem previsões amb ...

Abstract - dwardle - 2012-05-15 10:10

Evolution of input supply and service hubs in dairy development at Ada'a milk shed in Ethiopia

Efficient input supply and service delivery may call for a hub approach where all the necessary inputs and services are supplied in a coordinated manner, either by a single supplier or by several and separate entities in a given geographical location ac ...

Abstract - dwardle - 2013-04-30 12:09

`Self-knowledge is the prerequisite of humanity': personal development and self-awareness for aid workers

In order to take up the challenge of responding to the thought-provoking insights found in The Selfish Altruist (Vaux 2001), the author brings together some of the threads in the book and combines them with her own psychological approaches to increasing s ...

Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 17:45

Humanitarian trends and dilemmas

Author:  Vaux, Tony Issue:  Volume 16, Numbers ...

Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 17:53

Emergency Social Funds: the experience of Bolivia and Peru

The World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) believe that the increase in poverty as a result of Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAPs) is a short-term consequence and that the benefits of SAPs filter down, in the longer term, to the least privil ...

Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 17:55

A reply

The author replies to Hasan Zaman's comments (in the same issue of the journal) about micro-credit organisations. Author:  Rogaly, Ben ...

Abstract - admin - 2009-09-30 17:57